Special Programs
College Grad $500 Cash Allowance
You’ve earned something special. Now own something special. The 2015 Chrysler College Grad Program offers you special incentives. If you’ve graduated from college in the last two years, will graduate in the next six months, or are currently enrolled in a master’s or doctoral program you’re eligible. When you purchase a brand-new Chrysler vehicle you’ll receive a $500 cash allowance. Expires 1/2/2018.
Military $500 Cash Allowance
This program offers eligible consumers a $500 cash allowance to be applied toward the retail purchase or lease of an eligible vehicle. Eligible consumers include: active military, active military reserve, retired military (honorably discharged), and retired military reserve (honorably discharged). Expires 1/2/2018.
Automobility Cash Allowance
The FCA US Automobility Program offers eligible physically challenged (physically disabled) U.S. retail consumers a cash allowance applied to the retail purchase, lease, or business or 2nd Stage Manufacturer Automobility of adaptive or passenger equipment installed on a new eligible vehicle. Expires 1/2/2018.
$1000 Consumer Bonus Cash Allowance
The following program offers eligible equipment/product owners a $1,000 Consumer Bonus Cash allowance applied toward the retail purchase or lease of an eligible vehicle. Expires 1/2/2018.